
360 Indoor Holistic Understanding with Latent Horizontal Features

Cheng Sun Min Sun Hwann-Tzong Chen
National Tsing Hua University
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2021 (CVPR 2021)


We present HoHoNet, a versatile and efficient framework for holistic understanding of an indoor 360-degree panorama using a Latent Horizontal Feature (LHFeat). The compact LHFeat flattens the features along the vertical direction and has shown success in modeling per-column modality for room layout reconstruction. HoHoNet advances in two important aspects. First, the deep architecture is re-designed to run faster with improved accuracy. Second, we propose a novel horizon-to-dense module, which relaxes the per-column output shape constraint, allowing per-pixel dense prediction from LHFeat. HoHoNet is fast: It runs at 52 FPS and 110 FPS with ResNet-50 and ResNet-34 backbones respectively, for modeling dense modalities from a high-resolution 512×1024 panorama. HoHoNet is also accurate. On the tasks of layout estimation and semantic segmentation, HoHoNet achieves results on par with current state-of-the-art. On dense depth estimation, HoHoNet outperforms all the prior arts by a large margin.


[Paper (arxiv)] [Codes]


Demo Results

Layout visualization

Depth visualization

Semantic segmentation visualization


Released after CVPR 2021.